samay-samay par
समय समय पर = NOW AND THENउदाहरण : आपके राज्य में रहते हुए श्री शर्मा समय समय पर आपसे संपर्क स्थापित करते रहेंगे।
Usage : Now and then we go to the movies.
Usage : Now and then we go to the movies.
(Adverb) +64
समय समय पर = PERIODICALLYUsage : While you reside in your state, Mr. Sharma will periodically reach out to you.
(Adverb) +14
समय समय पर = FROM TIME TO TIMEउदाहरण : गर्भवती महिलाओं को समय-समय पर अपनी मेडिकल जांच करानी चाहिए।
Usage : Pregnant women should have their medical examination from time to time .
Usage : Pregnant women should have their medical examination from time to time .
(Adverb) +8
समय समय पर = NOW AND AGAINUsage : If you 're not failing every now and again, it' s a sign you 're not doing anything very innovative.
(Adverb) +4
समय समय पर = ON OCCASIONSUsage : During his stay in your State, he will be contacting Your Highness on occasions.
(Noun) +1